Captain America and the Marvel disguise

You have probably noticed it for a while now, but Civil War made it really obvious, so obvious that by the time the third hero turned up on screen incognito by wearing a baseball cap, I laughed out loud.

Basically Marvel superheroes might all have their own costume they wear to the day job but they all wear the same civilian disguise. The disguise consists of three things, a baseball cap, a hoodie or leather jacket and a pair of glasses. (Or any combination of the three).

In Civil War, Captain America kicks off the proceeding by wearing all three items of disguise. I bet you have never seen anyone wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses and a leather jacket have you? That is because they just fade into the background, the disguise works so well.

cap disguise


Then Falcon is wearing pretty much the same disguise, it is a wonder he managed to get served at the bar at all.

captain america disguise3


The Winter Soldier opted to not go for sunglasses, which must have been why he was spotted so easily.

Captain-America bucky disguise


In The Winter Soldier movie, both Cap and Black Widow are both working the hoodie disguise, but Cap is trying the ‘fake glasses make me look smart’ look too.  I know for a fact that if you go to the shops wearing a baseball cap and a hoodie, you will attract attention from security, ‘no mate I’m not going to pinch your chocolate hobnobs, stop following me.’

captain america disguise


Wear do you even buy a baseball cap with absolutely no logo on it anyway?

captain america disguise2


Winter Soldier will be able to glide past everyone in a baseball cap, (lets hope there is no metal detector however).bucky disguise


Even Iron Man does it. (Even if I couldn’t find a decent photo on the whole internet and had to use a picture of a toy instead).



Thor tries his hardest to look not 6’3″ with beard and long blonde hair using a hoodie. Maybe he should have added sunglasses too. Then it would have worked.

thor hoodie disguise


Even the Hulk who must not be named uses a baseball cap to keep away from the law.



The hoodie works for Ant-Man to stay under the radar.

ant man hoodie